Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an ongoing battle for the top rankings of every internet search that has the potential to bring in more customers to your business. When done well, you can experience real results like the red graph pictured below which represents one of our own client's growth in traffic.

As long as your business exists, you will have to compete for higher search rankings as competitors try to push you down. Sometimes search engines change the game completely by adding new features, restrictions, or requirements.

SEO is our fastest growing service. All of our clients see their rankings increase after working with us!

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Your SEO Agency

What can you expect from The Nine's SEO service?

Here are a few examples of the results our SEO service has gotten for our clients:

  • Increased Organic Search Revenue by 791% over the first 12 months for an office supplies e-commerce store by working on E-commerce SEO and Content Marketing.
  • Increased Organic Search Leads by 580.00% over 12 months for a tractor dealership with 7 locations using our Local SEO and Full Website SEO services.
  • Increased Organic Search Leads by 166% over 12 months for a law firm with On-Page SEO and Content Marketing.
  • The Nine also increased its own Organic Website Leads by 165% over 12 months with a website redesign, SEO, and Content Marketing.
  • Increased Organic Search Traffic by 142% over 12 months for an e-commerce store that sells high quality beef by focusing on E-commerce SEO and Content Marketing.
  • Increased Organic Search Revenue by 70.38% over 12 months for a fashion brand, helping them them become one of the top 1% of all Shopify stores.
  • Increased Organic Search Traffic by 61.68% over 12 months for a used car dealership.
  • Increased Organic Search Traffic by 10% over 12 months for an insurance company.
  • Improved target keyword ranking to the first page of Google for an olive oil e-commerce website by building a new website, working on E-commerce SEO, and Content Marketing.

Whatever the future holds, when you have The Nine on your side, you have a better chance of increasing your page rankings and staying ranked.

This graph represents one of our own client's growth in traffic.


The SEO Process

We take our SEO Process seriously.

To beat your own website’s past search performance, we work through The Nine's in-depth, Search Engine Optimization Process that includes three phases: Foundation, Structure, and Growth. This process takes 12 months of focused work to get real trackable results for your business.

"It's all about the process." - Nick Saban, referencing The Nine's SEO services. At least that's how we remember it. :) 


SEO Tracking, Analysis, & Strategy

The Foundation

The Foundation of our process starts with learning about your business and understanding how well your website is currently performing and achieving your business goals. Your website should be working for you, not against you. Either way, we’ll dig in and find out. Then we deliver the plan to fix what’s holding you back and expand your growth.

Onboarding: We meet with you to discuss your business, goals, and give you an overview of our process.

  • Access to Google Search Console 
  • Access to Google Analytics
  • Access to Google My Business Listings
  • Access your website's content management system

Tracking: The only way we can measure success is by making sure we track everything that matters most to your business. We use a variety of tools to track your website’s performance.

  • SEO Results Tracking in Google Analytics

  • Target Keyword Tracking

Analysis: Once we have full access to your website and our SEO tools are set up, we can start analyzing the health of your website.

  • Technical SEO Analysis

  • On-Page SEO Analysis (Content & Keyword Analysis)

  • Off-Page SEO Analysis (Backlink Analysis, Social, & Public Relations)

Strategy: Now that we understand the problems and opportunities surrounding your website, we lay out the plan to prioritize and execute the tactics needed to get results. This document is how we communicate our initial Strategy and includes:

  • Technical SEO Strategy
  • On-Page SEO Strategy
    • Content Strategy
    • Keyword Strategy
  • Off-Page SEO Strategy
    • Backlink Strategy
    • Social Media Strategy
    • Public Relations Strategy

Content is still king. We'll write it for you.

The Structure

We know what needs to be done, now it's time to start making the necessary changes to improve your website. Building the Structure of your website involves fixing Technical SEO issues and improving the existing content on your website.

  • Execute Technical SEO Work 

    • Site Structure

    • Page Speed

    • Index Coverage Errors

    • Server Errors

    • Sitemaps

    • Mobile-Usability

    • Core Web Vitals

    • Security Issues

  • Execute On-Page SEO Work on Existing Content

    • Internal Linking

    • Content Formatting

    • Structured Data

    • Images & Video

    • Improving Written Content

SEO is really about growth.


With a strong Foundation and solid Structure, your website is ready for Growth. At this point in the process, we’re probably starting to see positive results from the work we’ve done so far. But there is still much more room to grow. We aim at the biggest opportunities we found during our Content and Keyword Analysis. Then we work with you to create new content. This will improve your chances of increasing your rankings in search engines for the keywords we target. Then we work with you to earn links to your content in natural credible ways. 

  • Execute ongoing On-Page SEO

  • Create new content based on Content Strategy

    • Skyscraper Style Content

    • Hub Style Content

    • Graphic Design

    • Video Production

  • Execute Off-Page SEO

    • Backlinks Work

    • Public Relations

    • Social Media

    • Reputation Management

    • Business Listings Management

  • Build Relationships

    • Connect with Websites, Publishers, Influencers, Bloggers

    • Increase the popularity of your content 


Track your results.

Monthly SEO Results Reporting

Every month we'll send you a report that lets you see your average search rankings for the keywords and locations we're targeting for you.

Our main goal is to generate more organic Awareness in search engines, more organic Traffic from search engines, and more organic Leads and Sales.

We'll meet with you over video chat as needed to discuss your results each month and make sure we're all moving forward in the same direction.

If you want to work with a real SEO company that helps businesses like yours improve their rankings every day, give us a shout.


Meet Tye, Paris, Steve, and Rusty!

SEO Team

Our SEO team is comprised of highly skilled professionals who have a wealth of experience in the field. We stay up to date with the latest industry trends and are continuously adapting our strategies to ensure maximum results for our clients. Our expertise includes keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation. Our team also places a strong emphasis on analytics and tracking to measure the success of our campaigns and adjust accordingly. 

We believe that communication is key, and our team will work closely with you to understand your business goals and develop a customized SEO strategy that fits your unique needs. Our goal is to help your business achieve long-term success and growth by consistently driving high-quality traffic to your website.


Check out these results we got for
some of our SEO clients: 

Shapiro Metals
Kysor Warren
Parker Towing Company