While The Nine’s clients are located across the globe, our team members take great pride in being Tuscaloosa, Alabama locals. We are passionate about coming alongside businesses and organizations in our community to elevate their voices through our website development and digital marketing services. It’s even sweeter when those businesses and organizations are leading initiatives to make our hometown a better place to live and work.
West Alabama Works is part of a statewide network of providers of workforce services that train, prepare, and match job seekers with employers. Their Career Connect services offer local job seekers an online application portal to connect them with companies seeking employees. The Nine improved the portal’s user interface and made it more touch-device friendly for the kiosks and phones. This means that more West Alabama residents can access their services than ever before.

Bob Johnson, Executive Director and CEO of Community Works Tuscaloosa has been thrilled with the results.
“Our regional workforce development organization took a big project to the team at The Nine that involved rethinking how we capture information from our clients, as well as the challenge of aligning three strong regional community assets with our strategy in a way that would help everyone succeed,” Johnson said.
“From day one, their team helped generate great ideas, paid attention to details, listened to input, showed exceptional technical and creative skills, and truly gave us something that exceeded our expectations. We could not be happier to call them our partners.”
Job seekers can access the application portal by visiting www.westalabamajobs.com on their own devices or the physical kiosks located throughout West Alabama. Applicants simply need to submit their email address to get started. The application will then ask for them to fill in their education, prior work experience, and interests. The information they submit is put into West Alabama Works’ database.
From there, the Career Connect team works to provide next steps the applicant needs to take to secure a position. This includes options for training, certifications and career development.

Providing employment resources that are equally accessible and user-friendly doesn’t just benefit individuals. It benefits the West Alabama community at large. The Nine is excited to have played a role in promoting job opportunities that will help create a thriving, local economy.
Are you ready to take your website and digital marketing to the nines? Contact us.
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