Sweet Grown Alabama is a non-profit foundation that enhances marketing opportunities for Alabama farmers by connecting retailers and consumers to Alabama grown foods and other agricultural products. The Nine recently partnered with Sweet Grown Alabama to create a searchable database that allows consumers to easily connect with local farmers in their area and find specific Alabama grown products.
Customers interested in purchasing local products can use the website’s “Find Sweet Grown” feature to type in their ZIP Code or select a product to locate Sweet Grown Alabama products in their area.

The site features other resources such as an Alabama Harvest Calendar, educational materials, farmer spotlights, and recipes. Farmers, restaurants, markets and stores that wish to be listed in the database can apply online for Sweet Grown Alabama program membership by clicking the “Join Now” call-to-action button

This is what Ellie Watson, Director of Sweet Grown Alabama, had to say about working with The Nine:
Q:What was the main purpose for your website redesign?
A:The goal of the Sweet Grown Alabama program is to connect local Alabama farmers and families. A searchable online database of locally grown products is a key component of the program, because all of our marketing and branding efforts will point consumers to the database to find farmers in their area. We needed a website that was both beautiful and highly-functional, and the team at The Nine was able to create a custom database with a beautiful, user-friendly design.
Q: How would you describe your experience with The Nine?
A: Building a complex database was a daunting task, but once I began working with The Nine I had complete confidence that our searchable website database would be built both timely and with the highest regard to quality. The team at The Nine made every dream request for our website come true, and they did it with a smile (even when they were receiving 10 emails and multiple phone calls a day from me)! Even in the midst of COVID-19, the team stayed on top of our site build and were readily available to answer questions and take suggestions.
Q: What do you want people to know about your site?
A:Since we are a new program in the state of Alabama, our site and efforts still have miles to grow. I am confident knowing The Nine can continue to support our needs and grow our website along with the program.
Q: Anything else you'd like to say?
A:When selecting a website firm, my only hesitation with The Nine related to their custom CMS- Caboose (only because we are scared of what we don't know). After making edits and building pages on our new site with Caboose, I can confidently say it is easy-to-learn, high-quality and user-friendly.
You can visit Sweet Grown Alabama’s site by visiting www.sweetgrownalabama.org.